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Many home turbines fall short of claims, warns study

"Home wind turbines are generating a fraction of the energy promised by manufacturers, and in some cases use more electricity than they make, a report warns today. "

Category: Energy sources


20 big green ideas

"Troubled times call for ingenious solutions and, from green coal to hydrogen-fuelled ships and the birth of "transumption", here are some of the brightest. Lucy Siegle explains the latest ecovations"


Exxon chief backs carbon tax

"The world's biggest oil company, Exxon Mobil, has softened its hardline position on climate change by throwing its weight behind a tax on carbon emissions."


UFO claim over wind farm damage

"UFO enthusiasts are claiming damage to a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was caused by a mystery aircraft."

Category: Space, Energy sources


Good riddance to incandescent lightbulbs

"Most objections to ecofriendly lightbulbs are based on out-of-date technology"

Displaying results 526 to 530 out of 1050